Our dedicated Sales Liaison Managers are on hand to support you, your team and your development.
We can provide you with sales office training on the fibre network, as well as providing you with marketing material and technical support.
To request training, please contact us, or request training using our Make a Request form.
OFNL operates in a highly regulated industry. We are regulated by the Office of Communications (Ofcom). We are committed to meeting all our obligations in terms of our service quality & safety practices, and our customer information controls & regulatory reporting. To find out more, please click here.
OFNL is part of the BUUK Infrastructure group of companies – the leading provider of multi utility infrastructure to the new build sector.
The fibre network connected to your development is gigabit capable. To enable OFNL to guarantee gigabit services, OFNL is increasing the backhaul capacity to all the developments it serves.
OFNL has released gigabit services at selected locations. When gigabit services are available at your development, OFNL will let you know. The Internet Service Provider’s (ISPs) available on your development will also update their websites accordingly.
Your resident can use our postcode checker to find out which Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are available to them, and they can find more information about the ISPs available on the OFNL network here.
OFNL can also send you some OFNL welcome brochures for you to hand to your residents. If you would like to request some marketing material, you can do so here.
You can also download the latest welcome brochure below.
OFNL install fibre and an Optical Network Termination (ONT) into each home. The ONT is located in the property in an area that has been agreed with the developer. Typically this can be in the utility cupboard, under the stairs, in the hall, or in the lounge.
Where OFNL is also supplying the communal satellite system (FIRS) for the TV (including Freesat, Freeview, and DAB) there will also be a Gateway Termination Unit (GTU).
OFNL’s demarcation point is the Optical Network Termination (ONT) and Gateway Termination Unit (GTU).
Any data or coaxial cable installed in the home beyond the ONT and GTU is the residents responsibility. If this cabling has been installed by the developer then the developer should have provided a warranty for this cable.
OFNL and their construction teams are responsible for connecting the fibre to the property.
FIRS stands for Fibre Integrated Reception System and is the system that provides Freesat, Freeview and DAB to residents’ homes when it is installed at an OFNL served site.
Fibre-ready homes are when the fibre is connected to a property at the same time as the gas and electric.
When a resident moves into the property the fibre is already installed. All the resident needs to do is choose an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and their broadband is switched on immediately.
We recommend that around two weeks before the resident moves in, the developer provides them with a copy of the OFNL welcome pack, so the resident can select their favoured Internet Service Provider (ISP). Their chosen Internet Service Provider will then send them a router. This router will be delivered to the resident’s chosen address – either their current property, the new address they are moving to, or the marketing suite of the development. This then means that when the resident collects the keys to their new home, they should be able to plug their router in and use their internet services immediately.
The developer will call the OFNL construction team to request the fibre and Optical Network Termination (and Gateway Termination Units if required) to be installed prior to occupation.
The developer will need to make sure that the duct network at the site has been installed, to enable OFNL to connect to the property.
The OFNL fibre network sits in ducts underground and links to chambers in the footway or verge. This enables OFNL engineers to access it, in order to maintain and repair the fibre network, should the situation arise.
In relation to broadband services, your residents should liaise with their Internet Service Provider (ISP) as they provide the Service Level Agreement. If the ISP identifies a problem with the OFNL network, the ISP will escalate the issue to OFNL to resolve within the agreed service levels.
The network at the site is gigabit capable and OFNL runs a lightly loaded network to ensure that all OFNL sites can guarantee these high capacity services.